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Biochar Demonstrator

Stand: 2.345
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  • | Research and Development
Biochar Demonstrator

Climate change is happening as a result of greenhouse gas emissions, primarily caused by human activity. To limit the impacts of climate change, action is needed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Unfortunately, some industries cannot reduce their emissions to zero, making Greenhouse Gas Removal (GGR) technologies – technologies which take carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases out of the air – necessary to achieve net zero. Biochar is one such GGR technology.

Biochar is a carbon-rich material produced by heating biomass (plant matter) through pyrolysis, under low oxygen conditions. Biochar made from agricultural and forestry residues can be applied to soils and has the potential to sequester carbon captured by plants, for thousands of years, effectively removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Additionally, it can improve the water holding capacity of soils, modify nutrient exchange between plant and soil and enhance soil aeration and structure, especially in heavy soils. These are beneficial to plant health and can minimise fertiliser losses.

The Biochar Demonstrator aims to address the uncertainties and barriers around large-scale deployment of biochar. The extent and scope to which biochar can be deployed, its stability as a carbon sequestration method, and the effects of biochar on ecosystems is being investigated. This will help to develop business models and inform policy on biochar and its use as a carbon sequestration method.

The Demonstrator has already deployed 200 tonnes of biochar in field trials at a range of sites including, arable lands, forestry areas and grasslands. The trials are assessing the long-term stability of carbon dioxide storage in soils, studying soil health and the ecosystems of soils amended with biochar and, evaluating the co-benefits of biochar application such as preventing agricultural run-off. The Demonstrator is also conducting social research and life cycle assessments to understand the perspectives of different stakeholders from farming, manufacturing, civil society and finance and, engage with each of these stakeholders to encourage robust business models and policies to emerge.


Payment Services Financial Control Kings Meadow Campus, Lenton Lane,
United Kingdom
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  • Introducing the Biochar Demonstrator, one of five BBSRC-funded projects in the Greenhouse Gas Removal Demonstrator (GGR-D) programme.
  • Can biochar be used to store carbon in soil? Introducing the Biochar Demonstrator, part of the UKRI Greenhouse Gas Removal Demonstrators Programme.
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