24 Feb 2021
Energy efficiency – the start to reaching net zero

The NFU aims for the agriculture sector in the UK to achieve net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2040. Whilst there are challenges, as energy consultants, we firmly believe the pathway to net zero starts with reducing energy requirements and emissions. The agriculture sector, like most, has some way to go before this target will be met. However, farmers were quick to take up renewable energy and this has given some a great head start to net zero, often without them realising it.
Reducing your emissions
An energy audit will show how energy is being used, lost and wasted. As well as providing recommendations of where improvements can be made and how they will reduce GHG emissions and annual energy spend.
Installing your own renewable heat and power generation systems, to offset your own consumptions, will reduce your GHG emissions. There have been government schemes which have helped with the financial burden of installing these ‘new’ technologies, but we are starting to see them stand on their own two feet. We are also starting to see a resurgence in new installations and the NFU Energy team are on hand to offer advice to those who want assurance it will work for them.
Carbon Calculators
The process of reducing emissions usually starts with carbon accounting. This is measuring the total GHG emissions caused directly and indirectly by a site or a business. The carbon equivalent emissions figure then acts as a benchmark against the effect of various changes and improvements in subsequent years.
There are several carbon calculators that can help you to measure this, but the accuracy and detail will vary, and you should look at exactly what you want to achieve in the results before committing to something. NFU Energy can help you complete a carbon calculation using ‘off the shelf’ products, but they are also able to offer a bespoke calculation which will give you more detail and accuracy, which can result in better recommendations and comparisons to move forward with.
Getting to net zero will not happen overnight, but small steps and improvements will add up to big changes and the way energy is used will have a significant role to play over the next 20 years. Get in touch with NFU Energy to find out how you can take your first step to net zero.
T: 024 7669 6512 | www.nfuenergy.co.uk