Agriconnect recognises that it has an important role to play within the industry it serves. This includes the championing of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in the agricultural sector.
Stand design and themes:
We encourage interactive, thought provoking, educational, and inspirational stands at all our shows and events, and you will gain from additional marketing and PR as a result.
Your stand should project who you are as a business and share your brand values with a wide and varied audience coming to the show. Consider how you would like your product or brand represented.
This event attracts people looking to engage with you, either as an existing customer or potential customer. Consider also that you will see students and educators (although a much smaller proportion), so it is important your stand can cater for all of them.
Staffing your stand:
Your stand staff represents your company, and therefore they should appear professional, friendly and welcoming at all times.
The following rules must be adhered to:
• Clothing must be deemed appropriate for a business event. If the organiser deems the 8 clothing to be unsuitable the organiser reserves the right to prevent admittance of the staff into the event.
• Any activity promotional staff are asked to undertake, other than on stand lead generation and handing our literature, must be agreed with the organiser before the event.
• Consider the mix of staff you have on the stand (gender, age, ethnicity etc), do they represent the diversity of your company, and if not, be prepared to explain why not.
• Consider whether you have asked staff to do something that could be deemed to objectify them as men or women as this is strictly forbidden and could result in closure of your stand.
• If, for any reason, stand staff and/or an exhibit and/or its contents are deemed inappropriate by Low Carbon Agriculture show management, the exhibitor will be asked to alter this in an appropriate manner.
• The decision of Low Carbon Agriculture show management in each of the above respects will be final.